Why do men run away from arguments

In the intricate dance of relationships, arguments are inevitable. However, a recurrent pattern observed in many relationships is the tendency for men to retreat or withdraw during confrontations. The stereotype of a man “running away” from arguments, physically or emotionally, might be rooted in truth for many. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can pave the way for healthier communication and a more harmonious relationship.

1. Societal Conditioning and Masculinity

From a young age, boys are often conditioned with notions of masculinity that equate emotional expression with weakness. Phrases like “Boys don’t cry” or “Be a man” perpetuate the idea that expressing vulnerability or being engaged in emotional confrontations is not ‘manly’. As they grow up, this can translate to avoiding emotional confrontations or discussions, which might be perceived as threats to their masculinity.

2. Fear of Escalation

Many men fear that engaging in an argument will escalate the situation. This fear might arise from past experiences where discussions spiraled out of control or from a general discomfort with heightened emotions. By avoiding the argument, they believe they are preventing a more significant conflict.

3. Emotional Overwhelm

Men often describe feeling overwhelmed during emotional confrontations. While this is not exclusive to men, societal conditioning might make them less equipped to handle intense emotions or articulate their feelings, leading to a flight response.

4. Problem-Solving Instincts

Men are often conditioned to be problem-solvers. Faced with an emotional argument where solutions aren’t immediately apparent, or where the problem might even be their behavior, can be incredibly frustrating. Instead of delving into the emotional nuances, they might prefer to retreat, reflect, and return when they have a tangible solution.

5. Fear of Saying the Wrong Thing

No one likes to hurt someone they care about. Some men, unsure of how to navigate the emotional labyrinth of arguments, especially if they feel they lack the tools to express themselves appropriately, might choose to withdraw out of fear of saying the wrong thing and exacerbating the situation.

6. History of Unproductive Arguments

If a man has consistently experienced arguments that haven’t been productive, where no resolution was reached, or where the confrontation led to more significant issues, he might develop a pattern of avoidance, thinking, “What’s the point?”

7. Need for Reflection

Not everyone processes emotions or information at the same speed. Some men might need time to reflect on the confrontation, understand their feelings, and gather their thoughts before they feel comfortable returning to the discussion.

8. Fear of Vulnerability

Opening up, admitting mistakes, or acknowledging pain can make one feel vulnerable. For men conditioned to equate vulnerability with weakness, arguments can feel like treacherous waters, leading them to avoid these situations altogether.

Building Bridges: Solutions for Healthy Communication

Understanding why men might avoid arguments is the first step. The next is fostering an environment conducive to open communication:

Safe Spaces: Create an environment where both parties feel safe to express themselves without fear of judgment, ridicule, or escalation.

Encourage Vulnerability: Make it known that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Sharing fears, insecurities, and feelings can lead to a deeper understanding and connection.

Seek Understanding, Not Victory: Approach disagreements with the aim of understanding the other person’s perspective, not ‘winning’ the argument.

Choose the Right Time: Timing is crucial. If one party is stressed, tired, or distracted, it might not be the best time for a discussion.

Counseling & Therapy: Professional guidance can provide tools and strategies for healthier communication patterns.

Practice Active Listening: Listen without preparing a defense. Often, people want to feel heard and understood more than they want solutions.

Express Needs Clearly: Instead of expecting partners to be mind-readers, express needs, boundaries, and feelings clearly.


The dance of relationships requires two active participants. While men might have a tendency to retreat from arguments due to various reasons, understanding and empathy can help bridge the communication gap. Relationships are not about never having disagreements but navigating them with love, respect, and a mutual desire for understanding. By recognizing the reasons behind behavior patterns and actively working towards healthier communication, couples can foster relationships marked by mutual respect, love, and understanding.